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Silvia, terapeut.

Silvia Colu - A human being fascinated by human mind

A site about the life experience of a human being which decided to become a therapist.

Home: Welcome

Ne este frică de noi.

Te văd timid… Dar determinat, aș spune Să vezi, să simți și să cunoști Ce te sperie în a mea lume. Te văd puternic, hotărât Să nu ajungi...

She hates mornings.

Mornings are different, they force her to admit her inner, unaccepted feelings. During the day She loses herself in different activities....

Her pain

Her pain was always there. It could be noticed in the trembling corner of her smile and in the sharp sounds of her laugh. It was always...

He is a healer

He represents the freedom of being, behaving and thinking. He lives freely his wildness. His wildness is an answer to his inner search,...

The way She loves...

The way She loves is wrong. Not because it is false or fake, But because it is too authentic. She loves with her inner self From the...

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